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P.S. 142 #T4SC

The Tech4SocialChange (#T4SC) Project at PS 142 supports elementary students as they develop multimodal projects to explore real-world social issues that are relevant in their communities. So far we have created projects that redesign public monuments and begin working on our podcast series about our findings. Stay tuned for updates as this work has been paused due to COVID-19.

P.S. 236 Technology Club (concluded)

The technology club at P.S. 236 is an after school space designed to support upper elementary school students’ acquisition of digital fluency and proficiency with technology of interest to them.  As such, students will have the opportunity to make use of their 21st century literacy skills twice a week as they learn to create multimodal projects using apps and Web 2.0 platforms such as Glogster, Prezi, Animoto, Educreations, Voicethread, Corkulous, stop-motion animation, Flipboard, iMovie, and Garage Band.

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