My teaching background includes teaching undergraduate and graduate courses that examine sociocultural influences on teaching and learning, digital literacies, literacy and technology, media literacy, literacy methods and assessment, children’s literature, curriculum development, and middle childhood education.
MSTU 5002 - Media, Culture, and Education
Culture(s) and media share a mutually constitutive relationship: cultures shape and are shaped by media and technologies, and media shape and are shaped by cultural practices, institutions, and artifacts. At the intersection of these concepts are questions about how meaning is made, interpreted, and disseminated. In this course, we will have the opportunity to explore this set of dynamic relationships as we study the ways in which different media and technologies are situated across various cultural contexts, both nationally and internationally. A key focus of this course will be on social justice issues in media that we will infuse throughout the course discussions and texts. Specifically, we will consider the role of media in education as a form of advocacy, healing, hope, and incubator for innovative approaches to teaching and learning.
MSTU 4049 - Technologies and Literacies
In recent years our understanding of literacy and technology has been challenged and revised to account for practices that occur in multiple contexts across diverse communities. As policy makers, researchers, Ed tech companies, data analysts, students, and educators’ express interest, hopes, and concerns about teaching and learning with digital tools, we will use this course as a space to investigate research, curriculum and policy as it relates to literacy and technology.
MSTU 5199: Reimagining Culturally Responsive Approaches to Online Teaching and Learning
This course is designed to examine culturally responsive approaches to teaching and learning in digital contexts. In recent years our understanding of digital literacies and its relationships to culture and societies has been challenged and revised to account for practices that occur in multiple contexts. As policy makers, researchers, students, and parents express concerns about the teaching and learning with digital tools in ways that are humanizing and rooted in equity, we will use this course as a space to investigate research that is currently being used to establish curriculum and policy. Although many efforts have been made within education to incorporate and examine themes related to equity, achievement and culture, there is far less evidence that suggests how these factors intersect with aspects of teaching and learning in the digital age.